Web Design Smart Tips:
- Never Delete a Webpage
- Links That Don't Look Like Links
- Shrink Image Sizes
- Design for the Smallest Screen Size
- Aid Those who Can't See Images
- Don't Ignore White Space
- Always Interlace your GIF(c) Images
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Web Design Topics
Clever Web Designing
By Maricon Williams
Abstract: Some software tools are claiming that designing
is easy as 123 and that they will produce the pages for
you. Unfortunately, a number of web designers are victimized
by this marketing gimmick. The results are obvious. A
number of operating systems have pages that are not seen
properly by the intended surfers. Some are unreadable.
Some are difficult to navigate. Most of them do not serve
their purpose.
Great Banner Ads Only Need Simple
By Granny's Mettle
Abstract: To create your own great banner, you only
need five (5) simple things: Size according to standards.
Always keep to the standards. Having a bold, huge banner
would look good and attract more attention than any graphic
design ever would. Nevertheless, if everybody is doing
it, what would be different about you then? As one designer
have said: "I know that if your ad is slightly larger
it may get more attention but if we all start doing this
where will it stop." Sticking to the standards is
quite the norm. Some sites would even require you to create
your banner according to the regular standards of. So
it is still better to design your banner this way than
to revise it later on.
Components of a Fantastic Web
By David Bell
Abstract: So you've finally decided it's time to create
your own web site. After all, your friends and business
associates have one and you don't want to be left behind
on the Information Super Highway. Great web sites all
have a few common elements about them, and that's what
I'll be discussing here. It's usually a good idea to plan
the site out on paper before even touching your PC. It
can be difficult to come up with content staring at a
blank computer screen, so get out an old fashioned pen
and paper and let those creative juices flow.
Successful Web
Development: 10 Key Elements
By Paul Stefanski
Abstract: There are many elements that are key to
successful web development. There is no arguing that elements
of talent such as graphic design, writing, and technical
expertise are important. In the long run, however, it
is the elements that are not directly associated with
web development that determine a website's success. For
the beginner, it is important to have a broader view of
Tips on Website Design
By Stephen Hill
Abstract: In this article I will give a few tips of
where to find a low cost web design company and also about
the best ways of producing a quality website. How many
people or companies are advertising their services for
website design? The answer is a great deal. They surely
can not all be asking for huge sums of money to build
and design websites. There must be some who offer cheap,
affordable websites.
Flash Web Design - The
Wave of the Future?
By Michael Turner
Abstract: There are two camps when it comes to flash
web design, those who believe it is the wave of the future
and those who do not. To decide which camp you want to
be part of, you of course need to learn a little bit about
flash web design and try it out as well to see how you
feel. The following overview on flash web design should
help you form at least a basic opinion about flash web
design and whether it is here to stay or not.
7 Reasons Why Using CSS is a
By Michael Turner
Abstract: CSS is a new option for website designers
that have been using HTML and tables for most of their
web designing careers. Of course, it is a huge change
and requires learning a new language and skill, however
most people are saying CSS is worth it and it will give
you more control, options, and is easier to edit. Consider
the following 7 reasons why using CSS is a must and see
if it convinces you to change your method of web design.