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  • Never Delete a Webpage

  • Links That Don't Look Like Links

  • Shrink Image Sizes

  • Design for the Smallest Screen Size

  • Aid Those who Can't See Images

  • Don't Ignore White Space

  • Always Interlace your GIF(c) Images
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On off page search engine optimization

There are different types of search engine optimization which you need to perform to ensure you site does well in the search engine results page (SERP). The more time you spend at this stage the greater and quicker the return will be when it comes to monetizing the website. Off page search engine optimization is the technique used when it comes to managing your link building campaign and making it appear that your website is better then any other in the same niche. The way you can do this is by getting one way links or making three ways links so that none are reciprocal. This will tell the search engine robots that your site's quality is good, as the website didn't request a link in return. By strategically performing off page search engine optimization you can get better results for doing the exact same amount of work so be sure to research how to make it count! On page search engine optimization is vital in the essence for the user and it allows the search engine to understand what your website is about but has no actual difference in where it ranks against its competitors as such.

You can give your site the edge over the others if you perform well on page search engine optimization such as making unique titles and descriptions for each page. This will allow the search engine and users to identify what the page is about and if it's any relevance to what their looking for. Although it doesn't have much effect on where your site will rank in the search engines, your website would fail if the search engine couldn't decide what to rank you for in the first place. By placing keywords in certain places will also boost your site's performance, for example if you include the pages keywords in the title it will stand out to people searching for it when it's listed against its competitors. You are advised to always do your research before putting anything into action to ensure you will not do your website more harm then good as it can take a long time to reverse any effect when it comes to the search engines. By getting guidance from the professionals can save you lots of time and money and will show you a return a lot faster which will give you the motivation to carry on with your website.

Andy Tao
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