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  • Links That Don't Look Like Links

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  • Aid Those who Can't See Images

  • Don't Ignore White Space

  • Always Interlace your GIF(c) Images
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No Cost People Finding My Cool New Diversion

Okay, so I'm into no cost people finding. I like to sit back and try and remember all of the people who I used to hang with, whether in grammar school, middle school, high school, college or anyone I used to know as I entered the work force and I try and get in touch with them. For FREE! How am I doing this? I am doing this first and foremost by NOT falling for all of the internet promises that certain sites will help me with my no cost people finding when those site owners know full well that their real goal is less about people finding for me and more about monetizing me.

It's true, the internet is not called the web by accident. It is a web that is sometimes, and this is a more and more thing at this point, very very sticky to get out of. In fact some of the better webmasters will shuttle you around from one site to another and be monetizing you all day long without you ever knowing anything about it.

But that's the sinister side of the web, let's talk about the great feel-good side. On this side, I was able to discover a real way to do all of my no cost people finding armed only with the name of the person I was looking for and the state that I thought that person was residing in! That, dear sticky web travellers, is it! The next screen after you enter a four digit code proving that you are indeed a human (the whole reason I started doing all of this in the first place) basically tells you that the search engine is busy getting all of the results and will display them for FREE for you in return only for your first name and email.so that if the engine finds more results, it will alert you when it does.

Sweet. I used to play chess, now I'm all into this no cost people finding. Hey, maybe you are too, and maybe we'll meet someday. LOL.

Here is the absolute best way I have ever seen to do YOUR NO COST PEOPLE FINDING. (Like this article? Need some of your own?)

Web Design

Google The Internet Emperor - The whole world has now centralized in six letters GOOGLE, the internet search giant.

The Full Adsense Formula Google Adsense - There is no product or service to promote.

How to Start an Internet Business Blueprint To Your First Online Part - Learn how to research a niche, get ideas and get started on your way to creating a successful internet business that makes thousands on autopilot.

Choosing a Web Hosting Provider - There are literally thousands of web hosting providers on the Internet and it can be extremely difficult to decide on the right one.

Blushing Wholesale Business Secrets To Rustle - The real golden gem traits for starting and keeping a prestigious eBay re-selling business and e-commerce financial long term success.

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