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Google adsense revenue

Google has got the reputation of being the most used search engine available on the internet. From then on any program that Google has launched has been nothing but a success, take Google adsense for example. Millions of webmasters over the world integrate adsense into their site in the attempt to make a nice stream of profit every month. There are certain tips & tricks in which you can boost your adsense earning so make sure you follow them! When you integrate Google adsense into your site people will tell you good layouts and types to use in order to get good click through ratio (CTR), the vertical skyscrapers have shown to provide good results but you are best testing various layouts to find the best for your site. What works for someone else may not necessarily work for you. Another thing that will need testing is the color of the ad, one word of advise is to use the same border color as the background color as this blends the advertisement into the website better which gives a higher CTR.

Many people can spot an advertisement a mile off making them avoid it but the key to making a good income from adsense is to legally blend it into the site making them assume it's a genuine link, you cannot trick them by saying click here or placing ads next to pictures so they are relating the text to the picture. A number of techniques have been developed in recent times by site owners to get the best results and maximum clicks thereby getting them better profits. There are many ways to do this. It isn't necessary that what works for one site will work for the other site too.

Things change from sites to users and thereby owners. You have to be careful and follow the terms and conditions very carefully as one false move will result in your account getting terminated, along with any income for that month. You are only allowed one account per person, if you are found to making another account after you have been banned then you will get found out when they come to review your account and terminate that one which will mean you have wasted all that time building the balance up to $100 which can take several months in some cases. You have to be very careful with these matters and these shouldn't be taken lightly as it would cost you later on. You should never take the law into your own hands. You may get away with it once , but everyday is not a Sunday.

By knowing what the higher paying keywords are in your niche you can make more money for doing no extra work, just make sure that you revolve your content around them so that the advertisements are relevant to it giving a higher payout per click. Make sure that you don't make irrelevant pages just to bump up your adsense account balance as it's breaking the terms and conditions and lead to account termination.

Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips & hints, Points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques & insights pertaining to Google Adsense, Do please browse for more information at our website :- http://www.thegooglefund.com http://www.google-atm-machine.com http://www.googleatmcash.com

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