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Web Design Smart Tips:
  • Never Delete a Webpage

  • Links That Don't Look Like Links

  • Shrink Image Sizes

  • Design for the Smallest Screen Size

  • Aid Those who Can't See Images

  • Don't Ignore White Space

  • Always Interlace your GIF(c) Images
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Get The Best Reseller Web Hosting Services

Reseller Web Hosting ? Start Your Own Web Hosting Company Today! Starting a web hosting business is not a difficult task anymore with the different techniques and tools available in the market. With so many individuals or companies taking a plunge in the Web world to reach out to their target customers' world over, the market for online web space is booming. Ever thought if you could be the one providing these seekers of online presence with the web space they have been craving for? Who knows if the soaring profit gained from the deals made with them may leave you overwhelmed? Initiating a web hosting company is really as easy as it sounds with actual web host provider and that too without any delay. Though you may bother about the initial technical hassles that being a start-up business, your company may not be able to handle due to lack of proper resources and knowledge, but with actual web host provider backing you all these hassles diminish in the pat of an eye. Apart from the 24 hours server maintenance, data center and other trivial technicalities are all handled by these actual web host provider and gives you immense time to concentrate on the financial aspect of your business and catering to your clients further. By employing the reseller hosting account made available by these providers, they provide your company with: ? A control panel so that you can create your own hosting packages for your clients.

Though these packages might be as little as 500 MB, generally it is over 1 GB. ? Authority to allocate bandwidth and the disk space for every website that has an account and change these space requirements later as well, if required. The reseller web host account assigned to you also gives you the freedom to handle your billing, account set up along with the support that you provide to your clients. On the other hand, the reseller web hosting provider extends you a helping hand in answering support questions at your end that you may not be very sure about. In simple terms, you being the reseller are responsible to provide support to the end-users and the actual web host providers have the responsibility to give a solution to your problems. However, if it is financial considerations that are restraining you from making an investment in purchasing a web host company of your own; you definitely have to reconsider your thoughts.

This is because you can simply purchase an affordable reseller account with the actual hosting provider for may be as less as $20/mo. Another requirement would be to create an account with any of the online payment processors that costs around $50, which is a one-time fee. The next would to buy an inexpensive design template so as to make the website and congrats! You are a web host now.

Nevertheless, there is a lot that depends on the customers that you make further, but with the constant support of a good actual web host provider it isn't much of a problem in most cases. So, just make a decision and get started with your own web hosting company and start earning today!.

Richard is author of this article on Linux Web Hosting. Find more information about Reseller Web Host here.

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