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Easy To Follow Plan For Mareting And Promoting Plrs

A set of private label rights, whether it's an e-book or a set of articles, has unlimited untapped potential. There are many creative ways to approach it. Generally, the more creative you become, the stronger your brand will be.

For example, one client of mine purchased e-books in bulk and hired a writer to create synopsis' of these 80-90 page e-books into 30 minute audio format tapes. Marketing PLR with Multimedia - CD/DVD/MP3s Recording your private label e-book and repackaging them into audio tutorials, courses, and transcripts is branding genius. Suppose you have a PLR e-book on '30 Ways to Seduce Women" written by scientific researchers of pheromones and psychologists. With this, you could *repackage* and *rebrand* the e-book to produce a series of audio tutorials on "The Love Boss (you): Picking Up the Love of your Life," complete with a fictional character (see Rich Jerk series, one of the best selling e-books ever) and a new voice.

Burning your recorded files onto CDs/DVDs and MP3s is easy with cheap equipment and packaging with software case levels is easy through an office store. A cover could include the front cover of your online e-book complement with a fresh logo. To jumpstart your multimedia campaign, you could introduce a sign up page on your website and offer a free recording with it to build a consistent list of opt-in subscribers. Ever notice how many sales letter sites have recordings by the site's owner explaining the new product? You can do it too by adding either 1) an audio sales pitch, 2) an audio version of your PLR content, or 3) a combination of both to your site. For this, you'll need an MP3 Audio Mixer (available at acoustica.

com/mp3-audio-mixer/) where you could edit your voice during long recordings. If you're a poor public speaker, there are many freelancers at elance.com that can do the job but the cost may be high. *Audio recordings create the illusion that your PLR content is booming!* Hook, Line, and Sinker - the 'Hook' and 'Follow Up' Explained (Tying it to our "Picking Up the Love of Your Life" example) Capturing the imagination of potential buyers means hooking them from the very first minute they access your page.

A sales letter may do an exceptional job of hyping your PLR product, but might not 'reel' them in as much as you would like. Like perfume sprayers at the department store, you have to give potential buyers a taste of your product. *Use a portion of your private label ebook content to lure readers into subscribing to an opt-in list or ezine.* The best way to do this is to offer a free .PDF file download of the first ten pages of your PLR product on your main page. Add a 'Table of Contents' page with a powerful introduction and stop where it gets "interesting.

" When the last sentence of your last page urges readers to pass on to the next "How Pheromones can Attract Women" chapter available in the full-version, you've "reeled" them in. "The Follow Up" Creating a series of 3 follow up emails to market your PLR product and mail to your list 2 days apart with each email focusing on a different value/benefit of the product is one way to market. Instead of asking subscribers to sign up to a weekly ezine, offer a snippet or news on "Love Boss" spread out through 3 emails. One sample email may look like this: Love Boss Newsletter #2: The Mirroring Technique Explained LOVE BOSS NEWSLETTER, #2, 1/1/2007 A Loveboss.com Publication for the Romeos Love advice, dating advice, and advice for men of all ages. Welcome to this week's Love Boss Issue.

In this issue: 1) Special deal on full version e-book 2) The Mirror Technique Explained 3) Ask the Love Boss - 3 Questions 4) Love Boss now released on DVD 1) Special Deal on Full Version E-Book In today's issue, we will provide a brief overview of the "Mirroring Technique" discussed in the "Love Boss" e-book (valued at $97, yours for only $29.99 as an opt-in list subscriber.) Releasing the power of your subconscious mind requires (followed by a small "hook" on what to expect from your Love Boss e-book, with not many important details given out.) 2) The Mirror Technique Explained 3) Here, you can list frequently asked questions by love-challenged men and answer them "Love Boss" style. Remember, at this point, you've taken that ancient PLR product "30 Ways to Seduce Women" and turned it into the "Love Boss" brand equipped with its own lovable character, logo, packaging, content, formatting styles, and more. "30 Ways to Seduce Women" is unrecognizable at this point with its main idea forever rebranded.

4) Offer a free DVD (or reduced price) with the purchase of an e-book, combine it as a package, or sell it individually. *Like screenplays and novels, Hollywood and webpreneurs loves a packaged script for maximum marketability and exposure.* FOLLOW UP EMAILS and AUTORESPONDERS A series of three follow up emails are great for any PLR content where you can 1) Provide a "message of the day" 2) Promote your PLR product Here is a list of *Free* Autoresponders to check out: Easyresponders.

com - provides an unlimited number of auto responder messages for PLR enthusiasts. It has customization features, a mailing list feature, and works great for e-mail newsletters. When your potentials request information, here is an automatic response to keep them on their heels.

Freeautobot.com - A customized service known for its interval feature where you preset your emails to be released at a certain time or day of the week. Plus, it has no pesky advertisements like other autoresponder series. *Autoresponder Direction* Autoresponder readers may get a kick out of "10 Ways to Make Her Say Yes" theories and philosophies but real news is the key.

Your private label product, once a mind numbing e-book retransformed into article series, CDs, and eye catching e-covers, has to generate the buzz needed to keep it afloat. One trick of the trade is to send your autoresponder subscribers to a blog. Blogs are the latest craze and spreading like wildfire. There are multimillion dollar blogs in operation, including Jossip, X17online, and other celebrity hunter sites with a passion. Although we're not paparazzi reporters, we can attract the same number of visitors. Move traffic to your blog with a message at the top of your autoresponder for maximum effect.

The Power of Social Networking Social networking sites serve a dual role: to keep friends connected and to market, market, market. With today's top selling artists creating Myspace pages to keep in touch with fans, they use it as a tool to promote albums, airplay, and expand their networks. A Myspace.

com page can direct people to your private label product. Plus, these sites have high Google page ranks which mean your own site rank can propel to the top of the search engines. Be careful: spamming and spreading your links all over the place will have your message ignored.

Upsells in a Nutshell Another bona fide trick of the trade is a technique not many PLR marketers are familiar with. This trick is an upsell. Upsells are a marketing strategy that means producing a lightweight, condensed, or shortened version of your e-book or article package product where you sell it as a lower price. When this flies off the cyber shelves, you can upsell these same products to the complete version after they buy it.

Show Me How! Access your 'Love Boss' e-book under Word, click 'Save As' in the File menu, and give it a different name. Make sure you have a copy of the original, complete file somewhere in your C drive. Have two copies: the original and this new shortened version. Since you'll be removing content, you don't want to touch the original. Once you've 'Saved As' remove about 1/3 to of the e-books content and change the table of contents. You'll want to remove more important pieces of information.

For example, your Table of Contents might be something like this: Chapter 1: Intro (Change Your Mindset) Chapter 2: Picking the Right Woman Chapter 3: Take Care of Her by Taking Care of Yourself (Proven Colognes and Clothes to Impress) Chapter 4: Pheromones (Attract Her with Testosterone!) Chapter 5: The Mirroring Technique Chapter 6: Arab Mating Techniques Chapter 7: Icelandic Romance Although your new version will have lesser content, you want it to have enough to entice the reader into considering the upsell. Stopping at Chapter 5 with a powerful introduction and themed chapters should be enough to lure. *Shorter versions of your PLR content can lead to cheaper but steady sales.* WORK YOUR SALES LETTER TO REFLECT THE SHORTER VERSION & CREATE AN UPSELL SALES LETTER Like the shorter version, remove important bulleted points in your sales letter and only add information that is in the shorter version.

*A new upsell sales letter works best on auction sites on Ebay where you auction off your shortened PLR content version for $14.95 and give the option of buying the full e-book for 5 dollars more. Throw down a $34.

99 figure as the cost of a 'full version' to make customers believe they are getting a bargain. *LAUNCH THOSE SALES WITH VIRAL MARKETING* Word-of-mouth continues to be one of the most genuine marketing tactics on the Internet today. Like clients who recommend their hairstylists to friends, that hairstylist develops a clientele list worth dying for. What drives those customers back again and again? Quality PLR content! Viral marketing is the online version of word of mouth advertising.

Every person "in the loop" with your clients becomes a potential customer. Soon, those loose words will penetrate the Internet scene like a friendly poison. How do we go launching an effective viral marketing campaign? Here are some top suggestions: Purchase 6000 PLR articles for only $6. These deals are being widely circulated throughout the Internet. On top of it, you get 33,000 e-books and a vast library of templates all in one zip file. Using these PLR products, pick out some neat information, organize topic documents, and turn them into a short e-book.

Saturate it throughout the 'Net through discussion board signatures, autoresponders, and submit your rewritten PLR content to article directories to boost your name in the search engines and as a credible expert. Little by little, the PLR community will recognize you and you'll be better prepared to launch another PLR product in the future to much success. Submit to Article Directories Article directories are the bread & butter of the Internet. These extensive content libraries hold articles written by thousands and thousands of niche marketers and article writers looking for exposure to their websites. Through a simple "by-line" on the bottom of each article submitting to directory giants such as ezinearticles.

com and directorygold.com, readers can be linked to your page after impressing them with your content. What content should you use for submission to the directories? Three words *PLR CONTENT REWRITES* With a 1000, 2000, or 5000 PLR article package, you can rewrite (remember the 50-60% golden formula of rewriting) as many articles as you'd like on the subject your PLR product is revolved around.

PLR content files are divided into numerous categories from internet marketing to cooking Jamaican food. Pick and choose your most relevant articles, rewrite, and submit it to article directories with your by-line on the bottom. Here are a few of the most popular article directories on the 'Net today: Articledashboard.com Kokkada.

com Ezinearticles.com QUESTION: Hold on a second to maximize my PLR content website's exposure, its important for me to submit to the most article directories right? Very few article directories enjoy success. Most article directories are launched by unscrupulous "wannabe webpreneurs" who hire freelancers to use recycled codes to create directory sites for the purpose of Adsense and ad earnings.

Although this is legit, it takes thousands and thousands of articles to join the high ranks. Go with a reputable article directory like ezinearticles.com which attracts over 1 million visitors a month.

Submitting to 10-20 directories with article submitters takes time. Much article submission software is known to take forever, so be weary. As you can see, ezinearticles.com is the life of this website at its early stages.

Business Cards Cheap business sites are all over the Internet today. From overnightprints.com business cards for $9.95 to 250 business cards for $3.99 from vistaprint.com, business cards are an excellent way to earn your PLR product fame.

One trick is to customize your business card to match your e-cover, add a small description, along with your contact and website information. If you live in a major city, you can simply distribute your business cards in a pouched envelope on bulletin boards from building to building, letting you avoid passing them out yourself. Change the E-Cover of your E-Book to Create a New Product with NO Competition Leaving the same original cover for your e-book is grounds for marketing suicide. An entirely new makeover with a fresh logo, fresh text, and a fresh layout will work wonders for your sales. Cheap, homemade e-book covers are unprofessional. Who wants to trust the Love Boss' advice when his e-book has a cheesy heart with a picture of Cupid next to it.

According to Steve Hackney of www.power-marketing-strategy.com, "our opt-in signups have skyrocketed from 3.8% to 7.

2% since adding a cover on the sign up and index pages." *Invest in a freelancer to design your e-book cover from scratch or hire a professional. Avoid e-book cover software that creates generic prints and fuzzy graphics. The extra cost is worth it.* MONETIZE YOUR PLR CONTENT BY SELLING PRODUCTS AND *IMPLEMENTING GOOGLE ADSENSE* PLR content are profit generators in every sense of the word.

In addition to using them for e-book and content creation, you can turn every individual article from a PLR package into a breadwinner. One way to do this is *by creating a Google Adsense* website. After registering at adsense.google.com, research all keywords associated with your PLR content. For example, if you're selling an E-book on "How to Achieve a Perfect 700 Credit Score", use a keyword research tool to learn the words your target articles should revolve around for better performance in the search engines.

Tool of the Trade: http://www.digitalpoint.com/tools/suggestion Based on results for "credit score" through the Digitalpoint Keyword Suggestion website - Based on the results above, crafting articles on 'credit score', 'free credit score', credit report score, free credit score online' and other derivatives of the root word need to be done. Don't write about topics those 20.6 people a day is searching. Aim for the top words for the best results.

Browse through your 6000 PLR article package, which almost certainly would contain useful articles on credit scores. Articles may include such subjects as 'How to Improve Your Credit Score', 'How Experian Determines Your Credit Score', and more. From then, *monetize your PLR articles* by rewriting them to standard and adding them to your site. Although your 'How to Achieve a Perfect 700 Credit Score' package may include "insider information", your articles will direct visitors to your offer.

Building an Adsense website will also help you generate a secondary income with a lucrative, high paying keyword. *MANY PLR PACKAGES INCLUDE HUNDREDS OF ADSENSE TEMPLATES* FLIP YOUR REWRITTEN PLR CONTENT and add Affiliate and Resell Rights With your powerful, rewritten PLR content, you can "flip it" and sell it with rights just like you bought the original PLR content the first time. Affiliate Rights - you can let affiliate marketers earn a commission for selling your 'Love Boss' product by signing up to clickbank.com and inviting webpreneurs to enlist through your website where they'll be provided with a unique affiliate ID. If your e-book sells for $39.99, a typical commission could be $5.

Typically, you would want to provide your marketers with your revamped PLR package, provide a small website with logos and icons, an order button, an end 'Thank You' page and a sales letter. Resale Rights - The purpose of offering resale rights to customers is to make a profit - plain and simple. Remember, your customer will be able to modify your content only if you offer PLR, and resell it through his website. More customers are compelled to purchase an ebook if it held PLR rights, like yours may have (with resale rights.) Be sure to package your ebook with a relevant sales letter and graphics. *MANY PLR CONTENT PACKAGES HAVE THOUSANDS OF TEMPLATES AND GRAPHICS TO USE* BREAKTHROUGH KILLER TECHNIQUE FOR GETTING BOTH VIRAL MARKETING & BIG TIME SALES FOR VIRTUALLY NO COST! There is a great way to absolutely skyrocket the sales of your PLR product, AND spread it virally at the same time Use the Viral Friend Generator Tool, and set it up in a specific way.

If you don't know what it is-simply the Viral Friend Generator allows visitors to download your product free, but only AFTER they have referred a certain number of others (you specify) and with a TWIST! (Get it here: Viral Friend Generator) Most Tell-a-Friend type products can fail because visitors can just supply fake names and emails and grab your product-Viral Friend Generator can be set to REQUIRE those referrals be verified first, and if some are not it will tell the referrer they must refer more until they reach the number you've set. Here's the exciting part: You giveaway a basic version for free using this tool, and when members proceed to download it, you make an upsell on the download page to give them private label rights to it or an audio version, or something else that's tied to the product they can purchase. Do you see the value? You'll get fewer sales, but each one can make you more money and tons more people will see your offer than if you simply promote because each one needs to refer a few others in order to get it-you'll get tons of free promotion that YOU can cash in on! The ways you can use and profit from Private Label Rights are truly limitless. The important thing to remember is to make your products unique and think outside the box for different ways to do that.

When looking for ways to make money online, you need the right products. Visit http://www.yescontentisking.com and get new, quality PLR content and products to sell.

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